Mobile App Testing Services Company

Best & fastest way validate business logic effectively

Home Mobile App Testing Services Company
What We Do

Mobile Testing

Ensure best in class user experience for modern day millennials who are ubiquitous on the mobile.


Requirements, Compatibility, User Experience


Test Case Design, Interruption Testing, Performance Profiling, Regression


Usability, Localisation, Accessibility, OEM Farms


Improved Reliability, Establish Competitive Advantage, Cost & Time Efficiency

Our Process

Mobile Testing Framework

Ticking Minds leverage a framework that approaches Mobile testing as exploratory testing as well as automated testing covering mobile UI, underlying message logging. We have used unconventional automation approaches combining Appium along with Jmeter that supports parallel device execution that is controlled. This framework is augmented with a clean reporting mechanism that provides the granular level of details of testing.

Key factors for successful Mobile testing are

Unconventional testing strategies that cover key user expectations, drive the tests effectively validate the requirements both from a functional and non-functional standpoin


Leveraging automation framework that maximizes the coverage and at the same time helps reduce the testing with shorter turnaround time.

Mobile Testing Expertise

0 +
Digital Transformation Initiatives
0 +
0 +
Collaborations (JMeter, Appium)
100 +
Apps Managed

Industry Challenges

Business tread very carefully with their digital transformation initiatives as their brand reputation, and more at stake. Go Lives/App Launches are with shorter release cycles.

Wide gamut of devices and screens

Mobile testing requires wide variety of devices and screen sizes. Getting maximum coverage across them is a challenge from device availability standpoint.

Shorter go live cycle

Marker promos, go-live announcements put a hard timeline and short timeframe within which tests are to be carried out and applications certified. Automating tests across wide variety of devices requires mobile automation devices takes time.


Regular run of the mill testing strategies do not work well always for functional and automate tests. This requires out of box strategies to minimize the risks.

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