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As a neophyte to software testing, starting a new job can be both exciting and overwhelming. There
are many things to learn, and it can be challenging to know where to begin. In this article, we will
discuss some tips and strategies on how a fresher in testing should align his/ her thought process in
order to be successful in their new role.

1. Be Curious
               One of the most important traits for a fresher tester is curiosity. As a tester, your job is to
find potential issues and bugs in software. To do this, you need to be curious and ask questions
about the software you are testing. You should be curious to know about how the software works,
what features it has, and how it’s supposed to be used. By being curious, you can find potential
issues that other people might not notice.

2. Have a Critical Mindset
Another important trait for a fresher tester is to have a critical mind-set. You need to be able to
think critically and objectively about the software you are testing. This means being able to question
assumptions, challenge the status quo, and identify potential issues. You need to be able to identify
potential issues before they become major problems.

3. Be Detail-Oriented
Testing a software requires a lot of attention to detail. As a novice tester, you need to be detail-
oriented and meticulous in your work. You should be able to notice the smallest of details and
identify potential issues that others might miss. You need to be able to document your findings and
communicate them effectively to the development team.

4. Be Methodical
Testing a software is a process in itself, and as a fresher, you need to be methodical in your
approach. You should have a structured and organized way of testing the software. This means
having a testing plan, identifying test cases, and following a set process for testing. You should be
able to reproduce issues and document the steps to reproduce them.

5. Learn from Mistakes
As a newbie to software testing, it’s important to learn from your mistakes. You are going to make
mistakes, and that’s okay. What’s important is that, you learn from those mistakes and don’t repeat
them. You should be able to identify what went wrong, why it went wrong, and what you can do to
prevent it from happening again in the future.

6. Understand the User’s Perspective
As a tester, it’s important to think from the user’s perspective. You need to put yourself in the shoes
of the user and understand their needs, wants, and expectations. This will help you identify potential
issues and provide valuable feedback to the development team.

7. Develop Test Automation Skills
Test automation is becoming increasingly important in the software testing industry. As a fresher,
it’s important to develop your test automation skills. This will not only make you more valuable to
your organization, but it will also save time and reduce the likelihood of human error.

8. Communicate Effectively
     As a tester, you will need to communicate effectively with the development team. This means
being able to explain your findings and provide clear and concise feedback. You should also be able
to listen to the concerns and feedback from the development team and incorporate their feedback
into your testing process.

9. Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends
The software testing industry is constantly evolving, and as a member of this industry, it’s imperative
to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. This will not only make you more valuable
to your organization, but it will also help you identify potential issues and find new ways to improve
the testing process.

10. Be Patient and Persistent
Testing a software/ application can be a long and tedious process, and as a fresher, you need to be
patient and persistent. You should be able to work through issues and obstacles, and not give up
easily when faced with a challenge. You should also be able to maintain a positive attitude and
approach each task with enthusiasm and a desire to learn and improve.

In conclusion, being a software tester is no mean feat. Irrespective of whether you are a fresher or a
seasoned professional, you need to possess a combination of skills and traits that enhances your
value. You need to be curious, critical, detail-oriented, methodical, and willing to learn from your
mistakes. By adopting these qualities and mindset, you can be successful in your new role as a