Performance Testing can be daunting for many software testers, right from a novice to well trained and experienced professionals. Not knowing the intricacies of performance testing can render the performance test results inaccurate and useless. Ticking Minds has been at the forefront of performance ...
‘Digital Transformation’ is the most used buzzword since the time of COVID and there are multiple means and ways in which digital transformations have been carried out. However, the core of the digital transformation process is to change how the organization operates and delivers value to their ...
The pandemic has changed the world for ever. Masks and viruses weren’t the only ones that we were introduced to. Our day to day activities were disrupted and a major portion of that disruption happened to our work space. Traditional methods and approaches were challenged and disintegrated in the n...
JMeter is a popular open source performance testing solution today, and it’s being widely used by many organizations to simulate high performance scenarios. Being a Java based solution, it has its own advantages and disadvantages – having mentioned that, the free and open source nature of the so...
For the past 20+ years, I have been part of teams that have built test automation frameworks and suites that have resulted in bringing in huge efficiencies to the project. I decided to write on this topic based on the recent experience from one of the clients, who has a multi-vendor test automation ...
Performance tests involve simulating user behavior of critical business scenarios. Often there are sizable parts of these user actions that often involve repeated actions in different business scenarios. Often we come across complex pieces within a test plan involving large amounts of user variables...
Software Development has come a long way indeed. Gone are the days, when developers used to code until the day of roll out, all by themselves, without any second set of eyes, validation, testing etc. Today, we have got the luxury of a variety of independent teams doing uniquely different functions w...
Enterprises have looked at performance testing often as the last straw in the glass. Such kind of approach has shown that enterprises have lost business opportunities and in certain cases have resulted in damages to their brand. This blog series shows you a way, as to how enterprises can improve the...
So far in our performance test blogs, we have had a look at performance requirements and test infrastructure, we will now look into an interesting aspect of performance testing, which has often been miscued – performance test data. Interestingly in many of the engagements that we have got engaged ...
In this blog we will take a look at meaningful data and its dominant relevance to enterprises today. Right from executive dashboards to simplest of web applications, nothing moves without data. In a world where more and more decisions are being taken based on data and information, it is absolutely i...
You might wonder, why clients are not giving in production data to be copied on to non-production environment for all non-production activities like enhancements, testing, training, etc – that seems the easiest thing on earth. Actually, clients dread copying data from production into non-productio...

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